
civil penalty中文是什么意思

  • 民事处罚
  • 民事罚款



  • 例句与用法
  • The government can recover three times its losses plus civil penalties
  • Offenders should face civil penalties , including disqualificatoin of company directors
  • Fixed emissions limits backed by criminal or civil penalties are an ineffective response to dispersed sources of pollution
  • The rules dramatically change the way hospitals , doctors , health plans and pharmacies must handle personal health information . they also impose criminal and civil penalties for breaching patient privacy
  • The rules dramatically change the way hospitals , doctors , health plans and pharmacies must handle personal health information . they also impose criminal and civil penalties for breaching patient privacy
  • The article is on the basis of studying a mass of german original documentations , meticulous sorting and introducing strict logic deduction process of feuerbach ’ s “ theory of psychological compulsion ” : following feuerbach logical ideology , it begins with the concept of “ civil penalty ” , and analyzes that penalty is distinct from disciplinary and defence , civil penalty is different from the moral penalty , and then gradually deeply analyzes on the “ psychological compulsion ” , “ legal deterrence ” and “ determined penalties absolutely ” ideology and so on , and successively excludes or rejects “ physical compulsion ” and “ moral education ” , “ judicial deterrence ” means or methods . they were developed deeply and connected each other . on this basis of the process feuerbach ’ s “ theory of psychological compulsion ” logic deduction process is relatively completely on the face of the reader
    本文在参阅大量德语原版文献资料的基础上,对费氏“心理强制说”严密的逻辑论证过程进行了细致的梳理和介绍:顺着费尔巴哈的逻辑思路,从“刑罚”和“市民刑罚”的概念入手,分析了刑罚与惩戒、防卫以及市民刑罚与道德刑罚的区别,然后逐步深入分析阐述了“心理强制” 、 “法律威慑”以及“确定的刑罚法规绝对”等思想,并先后排除、否定了“物理强制” 、 “道德教育” 、 “司法威慑”等手段或者方式,层层递进、环环相扣,在此基础上将费氏“心理强制说”的逻辑论证过程比较完整地呈现在读者面前。
  • This dissertation takes feuerbachs meticulous logical structure as masterstroke , explains his whole deduction process , which from the conception of civil penalty to the theory of psychological coercion , again from law deterrence to the principle of legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime . and it also states that , feuerbach takes the external behavior for condemnatory object , obviates the intervention of sentiment , abandons moral punishment or moral principles , moreover , excludes judiciary arbitrariness by means of law restriction , besides , emphasizes law deterrence and creates the theory of psychological coercion , and as a result establishes the principle of legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime
  • 百科解释
A civil penalty or civil fine is a financial penalty imposed by a government agency as restitution for wrongdoing. The wrongdoing is typically defined by a codification of legislation, regulations, and decrees.
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
civil penalty的中文翻译,civil penalty是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译civil penalty,civil penalty的中文意思,civil penalty的中文civil penalty in Chinesecivil penalty的中文civil penalty怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
